Open Cell vs. Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation
When you evaluate open cell vs. closed cell insulation, there are cost differences that you may consider when designing your next project. A light density, open-cell spray foam insulation like Icynene Classic, can be installed at a significantly lower cost than a closed-cell foam in projects targeting the same R-Value specification. Some restriction may apply with interior space limitations.
Let’s take a look at open-cell vs. closed cell insulation.

- If the design is not limited by space constraints, Icynene Classic provides greater value per “R” required. Achieved R-20 in 2x6 walls (Steel Framing Members)
- Icynene Classic foam is a proven performer that delivers cost effective solutions for many applications in today’s buildings
- Code compliant design details are available for most applications
- Icynene Classic spray foam has unique attributes that make it the best choice for some applications